Comments on: The truth about Josh Duggar from a Christian perspective Sat, 08 Jan 2022 23:13:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Sat, 08 Jan 2022 23:13:55 +0000 Hello @TIRED OF THE BS, I decided to approve your post, because I encourage dialog on this.

I wrote this article in May 2015. Obviously, more details about Josh Duggar have come out since then. I re-read the article I wrote, and I am thankful that I leaned in heavily to the Bible, because the Bible, the Word of God, will not ever change.

It seems your beef is not with me, it’s with the Bible. My guess is you want me to blast Josh Duggar for child molestation, somehow ranking sin (where sin is defined as missing the mark) and saying he is the worst, or near the worst.

Paul said he was the worst sinner of all! I can identify with Paul’s statement:
“‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.’ This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all!” 1 Timothy 1:15 CEV and his sentiment in Romans 7 “wretched man that I am”!

It’s beyond my paygrade to rank sin. I can only preach (your word, not mine), what the Word of God says. And yes, I would say that all have sinned – that is not been perfect according to God’s standards.

So how will YOU respond with that information? Do you think otherwise, that there is more perfection in the world – for example, a person who has never lied – than I realize?

By: Tired of the BS Wed, 05 Jan 2022 02:27:46 +0000 So are you saying that adultery is on the same level as….child molestation? Because that’s what Josh is guilty of, CHILD MOLESTATION. I love how you leave that out, because you know if you added that detail you’d look like a sick freak for defending him.

But since you didn’t say it, I will, he molested children, 3 of them were his SISTERS. And you over here talking about “All have sinned” that’s why no one takes Christianity serious.

And now look what happens, years later. He’s going to prison for watching Child pornography. The courts said that he watched videos of a 3 month year old baby being assaulted. And you over here talking about “All have sinned”. Say what you want about Tim Haggard but he was a grown man engaging in consensual sex with another adult.

Josh Duggar molest his 5 year old sisters, you preach your “forgiveness, all have sinned”. He doesn’t get any counseling, and now look at him, providing demand for one of the most disgusting acts in all of humanity.

And I love it even more that you didn’t post a follow up, because you c

By: Lindsay Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:52:45 +0000 This is so good to finally see. I’m sad it took me this log to find a resource that so beautifully puts my opinion on the matter into words. Such a wonderful article!!!

By: Deb Tue, 23 Jun 2015 20:35:24 +0000 A refreshing “big picture” response to a family, just like any other family. . .imperfect, but with the potential to have God move each individual member onward to know and love Him more.
