How To Avoid “Bad” Holiday Food!

The holidays are here. And suddenly we’re surrounded by plate-full after plate-full of “bad” food. How can we avoid the holiday overeating? Or the tempting treats that we just know will make us gain 2 lbs by morning? Or the ingredients that will upset our poor tummies?

I have some ideas that I hope will empower and inspire you to do things a little differently this year.

1. Be the Change

If you’ve been invited to bring a dish to share, bring GOOD food! But, what makes food “good”?

  • Free of the ingredients that “mess with” your belly (or your family’s). Whether this is gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, sugar, nuts, whatever, just ask Google for some amazing recipes – and don’t be afraid to try them!
  • Full of fruits and veggies – especially this time of year, our bodies need all the help they can get to ward off sickness. Check out The Sneaky Chef for some awesome ideas on how to sneak fruits and veggies into everyday meals and treats!

Allergen Free

Holiday Brownies

2. Refuse, then REWARD!

When confronted with food that you know will upset your stomach, or cause you to gain some serious weight, simply refuse it. It does get easier and easier as you practice – with time, you won’t feel like you’re missing out! (By the way, you’re not! You might be the only one at the party who will leave feeling great and not have any regrets the morning after!)

Once you’ve refused the “bad” food, reward yourself with your own carefully chosen treat! For me, this is soy free, dairy free chocolate. When I know I can satisfy my sweet tooth without compromising my food standards, I don’t feel nearly as tempted to give in to bad food.


3. Find a Food Friend

Find someone who not only understands your choices to avoid food that is bad for you, but will support you 100% and make good choices with you. It’s much, much easier to make those tough choices when you’re not alone, and you’re not surrounded by people who are eating the things you should avoid.

4. Fight the Lies!

Can you guess what our biggest foe is in this food war? It’s not our tongue. And it’s not our tummy. It’s actually our mind! When you’re waging war against your overeating, indulgent and stubborn flesh, be aware of the weapons that will be used against you and be prepared to defend yourself!

You may hear lies like this:

You’re the only one not eating that pie.

You’ll never get to eat all the things you want to ever again. You’ll always be stuck with the “health food”.

Maybe this time it won’t hurt my stomach…

It won’t make a difference whether I eat that or not.

Make the right choices for you – you’ll be thankful you did! There’s nothing better than enjoying great Christmas food and not regretting it later (on the scale or on the toilet!)

Blessings and HEALTH to you and your family this beautiful Christmas season! May the Lord be praised for His best gift of all!

Stacey Joy


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